
Saturday, September 5, 2015

3 to inspire with Mira

Hello! It's Mira Jurecka with 3-to Inspire challenge! You can find this challenge here every Saturday for those who need a little extra creative push to get scrapbooking, to keep scrapbooking or for those who just like a challenge! Your take on this challenge can be a layout or a PL spread and remember that you'll want to include all 3 prompts on your project.

For this inspiration I created a PL spread presenting the Family Gathering that we recently participated in. My hubby's cousin was getting married, so we've had a chance to meet with almost everyone that we love which means lots and lots of hugs and kisses!

Your prompts this week are:

1. Use a lot of small pictures
2. Add plenty of labels and banners
3. Use black ink to add some splashes here and there

Most of the time in my Pocket Album I use 4x6 pictures, so using a lot of small pictures was very challenging for me. On the other hand I use a lot of  banners and labels in my works and plash a little from time to time so those two were easy peasy! To create my spread I used September Project Life and Embellishment Kits (those are full of labels and banners!)

What about You? Are the three above bread and butter for You or this is something new?

Here are some close ups showing how I managed to follow the prompts:

Now it's your turn! Use the three prompts to create your own projects and share them with us in the CTK Gallery and/or on our Facebook Fan Page by Saturday, June 12th, for a chance to win. You can also upload to Instagram and tag us @citrustwistkits. Have fun!

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