
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Meet our Guest Designer Lucia

My name is Lucia, I’m 29 (will turn 30 on 14th Jan!) and I come from Slovakia. I live with my sister, a bunny Cookie and a cat Pepsi in my lovely hometown under the mountains in the north of my country. I love white chocolate, Agatha Christie’s detective stories, Les Misérables musical, the smell of lilac, home décor and I love to feel warm spring air on my face.
After an awesome experience - nine years of travelling, living and working in different European countries I’ve decided it was time to come back home and start following my dream.
I’ve completed a British e-course about designing pretty patterns last year and then designed some digital scrapbooking papers, journaling tags and clear stamps in Slovak. My dream is to become a surface pattern designer and do what I love – anything scrapbooking related.


  1. How long have you been scrapbooking and why did you start? I started scrapbooking in the summer of 2011. I used to live in Rome at the time and one lovely afternoon me and a friend (a Texan!) were sitting in St. Peter's Square, chatting about what we would love to do in life as a dream job. I wanted to make and sell cards (I always loved paper crafting) and have cats. I had really starte dto make cards in the end and while googling "cardmaking" it's obvious that I found "scrapbooking" too. It was like I could finally give a name to something I loved to do since I was a child! (Scrapbooking is not well known in Europe yet, compared to the U.S.) Today scrapbooking takes most of my (not only) free time. And I have a cat and a bunny. :)
  2. How would you describe your scrapbooking style? It's clean, loose and simple in mostly white and pastel colors. Layers, white thread and some glitter, sequins or at least paint splatters are a must! I also like use and re-use things like frames or packaging that I use for layering or confetti from punching holes for example.
  3. What scrapbookers have influenced you most? In the beginning I was influenced a lot by Rahel Menig. Now it's mostly Stephanie Bryan, Allison Waken, Marcy Penner and Anna-Maria Wolniak. And I love Paige Evans, too. :)
  4. What is your favorite thing about kit clubs? It's that little magic - to open the kit and find a variety of all the pretty papers and bits and pieces that go well together. I love the fact that the only thing I have to think about is what I will use them for (and that I don't need to put those things together first :) )
  5. If you departed on a week-long trip to CHA Anaheim 2014, what are your 5 favorite scrapbooking items you would bring with you (besides your camera and photos)? Definitely foam alphabet thickets. I LOVE them! Then it would be tissue paper, white acrylic paint, some lovely patterned papers in pastel colors and (I will cheat on the last one) a box full of pretty little rounded embellishments like brads, flairs and sequins.
Here is a peek at here scrap space:
Lucia's Citrus Twist Kits box is on its way to her and she is hoping she gets it any day now! Watch for more of her work this month.

**Remember to leave some love for a chance to win ONE of her favorite items!**


  1. Wow, it's so nice to meet someone from Slovakia. I've been watching the team in the world junior hockey championships.

  2. Nice meeting you, Lucia...may your dreams become reality!

  3. thank you girls! and yay for ice hockey! :D

  4. Welcome!! I can't wait to see what you made with Januray kits!

  5. Wow, welcome :) It's a very nice blog and I hope that you'll have lucky with this ! :))

  6. Welcome to Citrus Twist Lucia! We're very glad to have you join us this month and I can not wait to see what you'll do with the kit!

  7. Nice to meet you, Lucia. Can't wait to see what you come up with when you get the kit. :-)

  8. Love Lucia's style, can't wait to see what she does with the kit!

  9. I so admire your work, the scrapbooks are amazing :)
