
Saturday, August 20, 2016

3-To-Inspire with Emma

Hi everyone!  Emma here with another 3-To-Inspire challenge (my favourite!).  This week I thought it might be fun to incorporate a colour challenge!

Often when I'm stuck coming up with an idea for a layout, I'll set myself a "colour challenge".   The easiest way to do this is hit up Pinterest and search on "colour palette" (or color palette, ha!) and scroll through.  I've created my own board where I pin combinations that tickle my fancy.  As I was looking through it last week I noticed I have a bit of a theme going on...

As you can see, clearly I like pinks and yellows. :)  With a dash of turquoise/blue/green/mint thrown in every now and then.  Just looking at this got my creative spark working!

I hope you'll join in with me this week using the following prompts:

1. Pick your 2 favouite colours, or a combination that you've found on Pinterest like above, and use them as much as possible on your page
2. Use a B&W photo
3. Have a white background (which will make the 2 colours you use on your page pop!)

Here's my page:

I went with using alot of the little embellishments from the kits and added them on top of the white Amy Tangerine die-cut from the Grace Box kit (all the heart eyes for those die-cuts, love them all!).  And fortunately this month's kits have alot of pink and yellow for me to pick from ;)

I had planned on sticking with the brighter/fuscia pinks but a couple of the "Girl" and "Hey Girl" stickers from the Embellishment Kit were a softer pink so I figured I'd have the pink section of the circle blend as it went around (soft, bright, soft) and the Dear Lizzy pieces were a perfect match for doing that!

I couldn't resist adding that unicorn sticker...for no reason other than I just had to use it on a page!  I'd been trying to sneak it onto all my layouts and nothing else had "fit" haha.

Now it's your turn! Use the three prompts to create your own projects and share them with us here in the gallery and/or our Facebook Forum.  I really can't wait to see your pages!

Thanks, Em xo